Tributes from friends & family from around the world
On the day of Mom's passing, we received many phone calls, emails, and cards from family and friends around the world, who shared memories expressing what Mum meant to them, and how she will be remembered. We thank everyone for their kind words. You reminded us how much she was loved. We are not able to replicate the many telephone calls, but here only some of the notes we received:
No dia que a Mãe faleceu, recebemos muitos telefonemas, e-mails e cartas de familiares e amigos ao redor do mundo, que partilharam memórias expressando o que a Mãe significava para eles, e como ela seria lembrada. Agradecemos a todos por suas alavras, nos fez lembrar o quanto ela era amada. Nós não somos capazes de replicar os muitos telefonemas, mas aqui são apenas algumas das notas que recebemos:
“…losing a mom is most probably the most difficult thing to deal with, specially such a special lady as your mom was. I have some fond memories of her.” - Nuno Jorge - Godson
“... I don’t know what words to use.... I will just miss Mum.” - Pav - Friend and neighbour
“When I met your mom I really felt like I connected with her and that is something that does not happen to me every day. She was a very special person and I enjoyed the few occasions when I was lucky enough to be in her company.” - Vanessa - Friend
“... a voça mãe, que era uma pessoa lindissima em todos os sentidos.” - Ana Cristina - Niece
“She was a wonderful lady with a cheeky smile and a lot of wisdom to share. She brought happiness to all those lives she touched.” - Linda - Friend and fourth "daughter"
“Thank you so much for allowing me to spend time with your Mum. It was as though I had known Maria all my life and not just the past few months.“ - Isobel - Hospice carer
“We miss your mum so much. She was a wonderful friend and a lovely caring and gentle person.” - Angela, Johnson and Jenny - Friends
“ ... know also how sad we are that such a wonderful and brave woman is gone. We both so admired and loved your Mom, she leaves a lasting legacy of unconditional love, open mindedness and courage.” - Mandy and Pelin - Friends and two of "My girls"
“....I am sad to hear of the passing of Mom what a wonderful lady. The world is poorer at the loss of such a special person, you & I were so honoured to know her.” - Mary - Friend
“Nanda was one in a million, not only was she the kindest and most sincere person I knew, but she was also my favorite aunt. A lot of great childhood memories that she stands out in my mind.” - Fernando - Nephew
“…nunca poderei esquecer tudo o que fizeram por nós, incluíndo e muito a vossa mãe…” - Dicha - Friend
“Apesar de não tê-la conhecido pessoalmente, sepre tive and terei um carinho imenso pela sua Mãezinha!” - Danielle - Niece
“Your mother was so special to us, she was like a second mother. I can remember how she used to moan at us when we were naughty and no one made banana bread like her!” - Luizete - Friend
Even though so many of the friends named above were initially brought into our family by us girls, Mom adopted each of you as if you were her own. She loved every one of you. Thank you being a part of her life.
Mesmo que muitos dos amigos citados acima foram inicialmente introduzidos a nossa família por nós, as filhas, a Mãe adotou cada um de vocês como se fossem filhos dela própria. Ela amava cada um de vocês. Obrigados todos por sendo uma parte de sua vida.